Tag Archive for: woodcuts

Courtesy Gillian Ayres and Alan Cristea Gallery, London

Thumbprint News – February 2017

The studio is currently madly busy producing a series of new wood cuts by Gillian Ayres for her forthcoming exhibition at Alan Cristea Gallery running from 16 Mar 2017 – 22 Apr 2017.

Gillian has produced nine maquettes that we are working from by jigsawing and carving walnut veneer faced MDF. The exhibition will feature many prints produced at Thumbprint alongside paintings and other works on paper, and coincides with a major retrospective of the artist’s work at the National Museum of Wales in Cardiff.

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Courtesy Gillian Ayres and Alan Cristea Gallery, London

Recently completed projects at the studio include a set of three etchings by Bernar Venet;

“indeterminate line”. The prints are based on drawings that Bernar made from his recent sculptures and the resulting prints are made using photopolymer gravure, deep bitten photoetchings, carborundum and drypoint techniques. These exciting prints are pulled from three plates but still capture the spontaneity, dynamism and physicality of the original drawings.

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Cornelia Parker gives the studio a big shout in this video from the FT “what is an original print” filmed at the Alan Cristea Gallery.

Antony Gormley - Matrix VI

Antony Gormley’s exhibition CAST at the Alan Cristea Gallery

Antony Gormley’s current exhibition at the Alan Cristea Gallery presents a fantastic body of work, most of which have been produced at Thumbprint Editions over the last year. A series of seven monumental woodcuts are based on his 2014 work Expansion Field and are complemented by body prints which Antony produced at his own studio. Also in the show are smaller scale aquatint works which relate to the woodcuts and a set of delicate hard-ground etchings that counterbalance the Body prints. The show runs 13th May through 2nd July.

Antony Gormley - Matrix VI

Matrix VI, 2016 courtesy Antony Gormley and Alan Cristea Gallery, London
